Sunday, April 24, 2011


I am working on a project for my sculpture class - I'll talk more about that when I've done more work on it. For now, I had to de-bristle sixteen toothbrushes, and I ended up having some fun with the bristles. So, here is a ball of approximately 16,000 toothbrush bristles:

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Something I hope to one day soon revise.

it wasn’t the first time I saw you,
the first time I looked,
really looked.
it was like
skidding on black ice,
but not skidding,
only the fear of skidding.
or like tiptoeing
over the cracks
in a sidewalk,
or walking barefoot
over tangled branches.
the first time I looked,
really looked,
it was like
getting lost without a map,
but not staying lost,
just the fear of staying lost,
I really was lost.