Saturday, February 26, 2011

Paper tree

For my sculpture class, I attempted to create a tree entirely out of paper. I had wanted to work with a fairly realistic scale, rather than making something miniature, and the sculpture ended up somewhere in between.

I began the tree by taking cereal boxes from the recycling shed and rolling them into cylinders. I stuffed the cylinders with newspaper, and attached them to form the skeleton of the tree. I then tore newspaper into strips, twisted them, and wrapped them around the skeleton. This created an interesting texture, which I then paper-mâchéd over with brown paper bags.

The tree did not turn out exactly how I had wanted it to. I think that trying to use such a large scale inhibited my ability to pay attention to smaller details. In any case, I'm satisfied with it. It also has a pretty convincing shadow.

Once it's a little warmer and more of the snow has melted, I'm going to bring it into the woods and lay it down amongst some dead trees. It does sort of look like a dead tree. I'm going to take pictures of it there, and then leave it to decay.

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